Welcome To The Barn!

Welcome to LD’s Equines! My goal is to help horse riders accomplish their riding goals and bond with their horse. Here you will find tips on your horses nutrition, care, and training.


It’s important for your horse to have a well balanced diet. Their diet will depend on their age, exercise level, and weight. A horse with poor nutrition can experience health issues such as a dull coat, weight loss, overall weakness, etc. I will be sharing all kinds of nutritional tips like the best food brands for your horse, feeding for different ages, and the best supplements for your horse.


Care is an essential part of a horse owner’s job. This includes daily grooming, pasture maintenance, and horse tack. A horse needs a stable environment to live in that is safe and well maintained. You also need to make sure your tack fits your horse properly. They can quickly become sore if the saddle doesn’t fit properly. This can later lead to behavioral problems like bucking when riding or having trouble putting a saddle on. I will explain how to properly groom your horse, how to fit your horse for a saddle, along with many more tips!


Training allows you to work with your horse and expand their mind. There are many types of training, including riding, ground work, and liberty. You can accomplish so much with training and teach your horse almost anything. You can also work through issues you and your horse may be experiencing with the help of training, like loading them into a trailer. I will be sharing my personal experiences training my horses and common issues along with how to get the results you are looking for.

I can’t wait for you to join me on this journey. I’m excited to share what I have learned and hope it will help you!

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